Recently Dev2Job added a new feature.

Job posting


From now, employers can add job posting easily and developers apply it with the automatically updated profiles of development.

The profile is proven information from GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

Job posting by employers

Developers, who signed in Dev2Job, can check the posting list on "Job" Menu and check the job description

Job description

Look around job description without any formal form, and check mandataries such as Language, Salary, Location, and information of the company.

If you think the job description is appropriate to you, simply click apply button

Development profile

The employer can get the link and the employer will read your development profile

Activity of development

and development activity

Registered Git services 

That information is coming from GitLab, GitHub and Bitbucket, which were registered by the developer, selectively

Sharing management

Shared, Requested and Applied, all those links are managed at "Shares" menu

If the developer doesn't want to share the link anymore, then the developer can delete it and no one can be allowed to the link


Registering, Managing, and Posting is all free


Vist Dev2Job 



Check a sample profile




Posted by 미야프