'Automatically_resume_update'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2020.07.20 Using Dev2Job as Applicants Tracking System in Hiring developers

Recently, many companies create IT services and translate from analog to digital.

Hiring developers are a more important part of managing company

In statistically, 60% of hiring was unsatisfied.

Here is a new and simple way to know about applicants.

First of all, register as a business user in Dev2Job.

*Currently, Dev2Job doesn't have payment services, don't worry about payment.

Request menu

Move to the "Requests" menu

Fill in the applicant's email

Fill in notes for me and the applicant

And click "Send Request" button

email to the applicant

Then, the applicant will get this email.

In login status, the applicants will move to confirmation

*the applicant also need to signup or login



The applicant can select Allow to read his or her profile or Deny

Profile management

Once the applicant selects "Allow"

You can see the profile link in the page of "Profiles" 

Click the button then you can move to the profile

Applicant's profile

The badges and the information on the project are coming from Git services (GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket) which are she or he experienced.

The project information shows What Languages, Frameworks, and libraries were using and how long and how many

You can check his skill trees and project experiences which are from the system, not his or her description

Development activity

Graph of Activity can show briefly when she or he did projects with what languages

Activity detail

When mouse over a dot on graph, you can see numbers

In addition, click "Verified projects"

Verified project

The information will show only verified by email

Unverified means can access the project but can't get the verification through the email account

In this case

1. He or she is doesn't have actual development. possibly manager of the project

2. It's from opensource so she or he can access the project but no commit on it

You'd better ask them the reason.


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Check a sample profile:






Posted by 미야프